Ledger.Com/Start | Live to start setting up your device

Begin your Ledger journey with Ledger.com/Start - the ultimate guide for a secure and efficient device setup, ensuring peace of mind for your digital assets.

Ledger.com/start is the initial setup page for new users of Ledger hardware wallets. It provides step-by-step instructions on how to safely configure and begin using Ledger devices for storing cryptocurrencies.

Can I install ledger.com/start in browsers?

No, ledger.com/start cannot be "installed" in browsers as it is not a browser extension or application. It's a webpage that you visit to initiate the setup of your Ledger hardware wallet. However, you might need to install the Ledger Live application on your computer or smartphone, which is linked from this page, to manage your crypto assets.


Ledger.com/start serves as an essential entry point for users embarking on their cryptocurrency security journey with Ledger's hardware wallets. It provides a comprehensive overview of the setup process, security features, and functionalities offered by Ledger devices, emphasizing the importance of securing digital assets in an increasingly interconnected and digital financial landscape. As users navigate Ledger.com/start, they gain access to a secure ecosystem designed to safeguard and manage their cryptocurrency holdings effectively.

Last updated